Argyle weekend in Washington, DC November 9 - 11, 2018, Robin Poulton and friends danced 15 hours of Scottish and Contra in Alexandria and Glen Echo, MD. Robin explains how he keeps fit and healthy at the age of 70.
I Dance Therefore I Am
His book visits many types of dances: American contra, English country, African, Irish, German, French, Scandinavian, Flamenco, Salsa, Ballet, Waltzing, Hip Hop and Moonwalking, Morris, Medieval, Renaissance, and especially Scottish Country dancing, which is his great passion. We meet dozens of beautiful and talented women with whom he dances.
Robin explains to his grandchildren the importance of dancing, which is their cultureal inheritance from their ancestors. Dancing is part of his philosophy of life to produce the greatest happiness for the greatest number. His describes lot of interesting dances for his grandchildren to try, promoting laughter for healthy living, and a joy of beautiful live music, which is the spiritual essence of happy and healthy living.
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Teaching our Chrildren to Dance keeps them healthy and anchored in their culture.
Friday, December 3, 2021
we are dancing all over Brittany - most nights of the week there is Scottish dancing somewhere !
Last Sunday I danced on the coast of the CĂ´tes d'Armor. This next Sunday I shall be dancing in Josselin, in the centre of Brittany, where the RSCDS Breton Branch will have its monthly dance : easy dances from 10am and more complex dances in the afternoon. Friday I danced in Lannion; Tuesdays I dance in Guingamp or in St Quay Perros; Mondays I sometimes dance in Rennes .... and we have a monthly Ceilidh (on the Last Sunday of every month) in Pordic, near St Brieuc. naturally, our whole approach seeks to place Scottish culture in Europe, even if the English prefer their Brexit.
Dancing is good for you.
Dancing is the most complete exercise for the body and the brain; and to these physical assets, the music brings psychological soothing while the dance groups provide social health and conviviality. Scottish dance improves balance, while the teamwork involved in dancing the formations together contributes a different type of balance and adds very beneficial social interactions.
Researchers have proved than DANCING IS GOOD FOR YOU !!!!!
Great dancing requires great music - I describe both in my dance book
As we reach the end of the year 2024, it is time wish you all a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR and to remind my dancing friends about my book praisin...
In Winter I wear wool and keep close to the fire. When I was a child, Winter mornings formed ice on the inside of my bedroom windows. The...
Painted for the RSCDS and reproduced here with Janet's permission. This wonderful movement is called Birlin' Blue. It could be me a...
I danced with Paris RSCDS at their 35th anniversary Ball. I had a good time, with some great dancing to music played by Parisians led by The...