Monday, January 28, 2019

Don't forget your Sweet Valentine !

This is the perfect book for a Valentine gift: it is full of beautiful women (dancers) and passionate stories about love (of dancing). Love is precious, dancing keeps you fit and healthy and happy.  I DANCE THEREFORE I AM is a book of wit, humor, terrible-but-hilarious poems and a philosophy for happiness. You will need to call AMAZON NOW if you want your copy to arrive in time for Feb 14th.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Ode to Robert Burns and Ode to a Haggis

Wishing everyone a wonderful Burns weekend, celebrating his contributions to culture and music, to the Scottish Enlightenment and to cavorting with beautiful women who inspired many of his famous poems and songs: Bonnie Jean, Highland Mary and others. And Hail to the Haggis!
I enjoyed eating haggis with the excellent RSCDS and Scotia dancers of New York.
After Ode to a Haggis, I recommend you all make a YouTube visit to hear Murray Lachlan Young's
Ode to a Scrotum. It is hilarious.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Perfect Valentine gift for the dancer you love

Here is the author, modestly recommending his amusing dance memoir to contra dancers in New York. I do not remember how many CDNY bought one, but that is not because the number was large. I need more readers - and especially more reviewers on Amazon so that we can beat the algorithm.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

January 25th people all over the world will celebrate the 260th birthday of Scotland's national poet Robert Burns. They say that only Queen Victoria and Christopher Columbus have more statues in their honour, making Burns Number Three (since all those statues of Lenin and Stalin were pulled down, I suppose). I shall dance for Burns at the New York RSCDS party this coming Thursday. And Jan 29th I plan to dance in Edinburgh where I shall certainly drink to Burns' memory somewhere along the Royal Mile. Burns was an important product of the Scottish Enlightenment, alongside luminaries like Adam Smith, David Hume, Adam Ferguson ....  and Burns' contribution to Scottish music and dance is also considerable. In my book I Dance Therefore I Am, there is a whole chapter about Burns and his rival as Scotland's most famous poet: William MacGonagall. It is hilarious!
DiedJuly 21, 1796, Dumfries RIP.

Snow is coming, so dance to keep warm!

here in New York we can feel a nip in the air, as New England is threatened by snow .... like the snow storm that hit Virginia last month (a friend's picture below). Dancing keeps you warm; friendship keeps you cosy; dancing builds friendships. But don't forget to warm up before you dance, to avoid injury, and stretch out those muscles (feet and legs, necks and backs especially) to avoid cramps before you go to sleep.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Beautiful dancing women

Argyle 2018: Maria and Ellen and Margaret are three of the best dancers on the East Coast of America and I was lucky enough to dance with all of them.
 NO I DID NOT say they are THE best dancers, all you other jealous women like Moira and Tina and Peg and Jana and Eva and Lou and Pam and Elisabeth and Stephanie and Melissa and Grace and Paola and Riejke and Natasha and Jean and Emma and so many other beautiful women and such wonderful dancers.... No, I am only saying that these three beautiful people are wonderful partners to dance with. And no, this is not a photo of their dancing feet. Nice feet in nice ghillies though.

Great dancing requires great music - I describe both in my dance book

  As we reach the end of the year 2024, it is time wish you all a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR and to remind my dancing friends about my book praisin...