Saturday, April 25, 2020

This beautiful RSCDS card by talented artist Janet McCrorie is called "Roon aboot" and it appears to show two elegant couples dancing left hands across. Dancers are wearing red and green kilts, a red dress and a green dress. You can see the movement, feel the reel and the swirl. You can buy Janet's cards from the RSCDS bookshop: perfect for birthdays, for congratulations or for condolences.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Ramadan Tabrik pour mes amis TO MY FRIENDS

Je vous offre pour ce début du Ramadan un beau coucher de soleil sur le Fleuve Niger à Ségou
For the start of Ramadan, I offer everyone this beautiful sunset over the Niger River at Ségou.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Still dancing .... but now I dance in my head

 Gil, Elisabeth, Don and Bern are all great dance friends - despite his choice of tie, Bern is a good guy and a great dancer and you can see him and me dance The Shepherd's Crook on YouTube :

and this was me last year visiting Coates Crescent in Edinburgh, the HQ of the RSCDS. If coronavirus confinement limits our physical dancing, it does not reduce our passion for dancing, nor our dreams of dancing with beautiful women in a great strathspey set. What is a "beautiful woman"? She is a great dancer. Dancing makes a woman beautiful. And a man?
The kilt makes a man beautiful.

Great dancing requires great music - I describe both in my dance book

  As we reach the end of the year 2024, it is time wish you all a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR and to remind my dancing friends about my book praisin...