Thursday, May 28, 2020

Music for coming out of Confinement

This has been a remarkable time. I have been privileged because I have an income and a garden where I have done more weeding than ever before. But many people have lost incomes, have been stuck inside small apartments, have struggled to educate and entertain their children, and now they have to brave the new virus-threatened world of work and play. We think of them, and we share the sorrow of those who have lost dear ones to this terrible pandemic. Music is one of the greatest sources of solace. For calm, I recommend the Celtic Harp and the West African classical harp = the kora. But I think we need musical excitement. Mory Kanté was a great musician who just died (not from COVID-19). His world-famous hit YekeYeke will get your blood and spirits moving! Enjoy!
Musique et chants mandingues aux funérailles de Mory Kanté ...

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Peace is Possible

I have published a new book, telling an exciting and amusing true story about disarmament in Cambodia. How did Cambodians reconcile and find peace? This short story describes a small part of the peace equation: persuading villagers in a civil war, that peace can come. There are lessons here for every war. Please tell your networks, buy it as a gift for your friends, get your students to buy it.

Friday, May 15, 2020

So France has begun a cautious deconfinement, while UK and USA blunder their way forward into more death and infection. But what I wanna know is WHEN can we DANCE again???? Here is an inspired vision by artist Janet McCrorie of "Pink Mist" (this is the Scottish concept of "Mist" and not the German meaning) where I can envision myself as the man in the kilt .... probably a Scottish waltz on an American dance floor with twirling and swirling. And who would be my partner?

Friday, May 8, 2020

VE Day 75 years ago was a victory for All of Europe

The defeat of nazi and italian Fascism on 8th May 1945 (Victory in Europe) brought liberty to all of Europe (except in the Soviet zone) and the birth of the United Nations. Konrad Adenhauer, Robert Schumann and Jean Monnet created what became the European Economic Community and - later - the European Union. We need to hold on to peace and friendship across frontiers. What we all need is peace: respect for Nature and for each other - symbolized by peace dancing (here in St Andrews).

Great dancing requires great music - I describe both in my dance book

  As we reach the end of the year 2024, it is time wish you all a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR and to remind my dancing friends about my book praisin...